Tag Archives: Wall Street protest

Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

Below is the official Occupy Wall Street/OWS video to thank supporters. This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly/NYCGA on Tuesday, December 20, 2011. It is posted at occupywallst.org.

Continue reading Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

Philip Glass at Lincoln Center with the occupation: Three videos and the full text

Composer and musician Philip Glass made a statement at Lincoln Center. His opera, Satyagraha, about Gandhi and nonviolent social change, had just been performed. Glass used The People’s Mic (Mic Check) to make comments to the assembled Occupy Wall Street activists and opera goers. Below are three videos from different perspectives, and the full text.

Philip Glass at Lincoln Center Video
An activist perspective. Trying to get the folks who watched the opera about Gandhi to “cross the line” and join the people:

Philip Glass at Lincoln Center Video

Close up of Philip Glass, so you can hear him read his own words: Continue reading Philip Glass at Lincoln Center with the occupation: Three videos and the full text

Work for peace: Vote for peace!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 is [was] Election Day in the USA. To all of our American readers: Please vote!

Peace Child at Occupy Wall Street
Make a sign for peace! Mark it on your election ballot, and wave it at your local elected officials and Board of Elections workers!

Do you have a candidate you know who campaigns for peace? How about a candidate who is associated with a political party that promotes peace? (For real, like “antiwar” is in their party platform!) Consider voting for that candidate.

If you do not, you can still take this chance to vote for peace by doing a write in! Continue reading Work for peace: Vote for peace!

It takes a worried nation: Peace Song for 11/3/2011

Worried Man Blues” is the Peace Song of the Day for November 3, 2011. This is a traditional song. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 105.

A new verse by Duchess Susanna: “It takes a worried nation, to make an occupation…”

Below is a video with Pete Seeger and Johnny Cash. (You know ol’ Pete will ask you to sing along…)

Continue reading It takes a worried nation: Peace Song for 11/3/2011

Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

There But For Fortune” by Phil Ochs is the Peace Song of the Day for November 1, 2011. Yes…I am posting this the next day, because I was recalcitrant and did not post yesterday! You can find this song on page 186 of the Rise Up Singing songbook.

This song is dedicated to the community at Liberty Square, who are dealing with an influx of homeless people and other people from the community who need support. This will be a trying time for Occupy Wall Street. Hope they will handle it with compassion and grace.

Continue reading Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

Fri 10/22: Pete Seeger, Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, in NYC

Link to youtube video of Pete Seeger marching through the streets, with entourage: here.

Link to video of Pete Seeger singing “We Shall Overcome”
at Columbus Circle, available at Michael Moore’s youtube: here.

Exciting news! Who do you know in New York City who would love to see a little folk music history? Tonight, Friday 10/21/2011 at Columbus Circle around midnight.

Iconic folk singer Pete Seeger and his grandson Tao will become the latest notable musicians to march in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters when they join up with the crowd tonight.

The march departs at 10:30 p.m. by Peter Jay Shape Theatre on Broadway and is expected to wrap up at midnight at Columbus Circle, where folk musicians are planning to stage a midnight occupation.

The march follows a performance featuring Pete Seeger and Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and Suzanne Vega.

Peace Songs and Chants for 10/21/2011: We Are The 99%

“We Are The 99%…Who Are We?” is a chant, with some melody to it, that Duchess Susanna has chosen for the Peace Song of the Day. This chant was overheard on the Global Live Stream (reflecting live streaming from Denmark.)

Below is a video which includes clips from Denmark, and a clear version of the chant. Underneath that video are two other 99% songs from the Occupy movement.

Video: Occupy Wall Street: Three Chants for the 99%

Continue reading Peace Songs and Chants for 10/21/2011: We Are The 99%