Tag Archives: progressive politics

Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012

“Love Train”, written by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, and performed by The O’Jays, is the Peace Song of the Day for March 5th.

More about this song: Continue reading Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012

Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

Below is the official Occupy Wall Street/OWS video to thank supporters. This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly/NYCGA on Tuesday, December 20, 2011. It is posted at occupywallst.org.

Continue reading Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

Bumper Sticker: War is for the 1%


Bumper Sticker Art: War Is For The 1%

Click on the photo or the link above to purchase this bumper sticker.

Both sets of Peace Couples are proud to announce the launching of our new Cafe Press shop. Hope you are as eager as we are to see the shop fill up with items that celebrate peace and nonviolence.

Our first item is a bumper sticker, with a slogan inspired by Occupy Wall Street, and dreamed up by Duchess Susanna:

“War is for the 1%”

You can purchase this bumper sticker at the PeaceCouple Cafe Press Shop for $5.

We truly appreciate your financial support for our message, and for our continuous work promoting peace and nonviolence.

Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna
Ian and Kimberly Wilder
of Wilderside LTD

Work for peace: Vote for peace!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 is [was] Election Day in the USA. To all of our American readers: Please vote!

Peace Child at Occupy Wall Street
Make a sign for peace! Mark it on your election ballot, and wave it at your local elected officials and Board of Elections workers!

Do you have a candidate you know who campaigns for peace? How about a candidate who is associated with a political party that promotes peace? (For real, like “antiwar” is in their party platform!) Consider voting for that candidate.

If you do not, you can still take this chance to vote for peace by doing a write in! Continue reading Work for peace: Vote for peace!

Fri 10/22: Pete Seeger, Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, in NYC

Link to youtube video of Pete Seeger marching through the streets, with entourage: here.

Link to video of Pete Seeger singing “We Shall Overcome”
at Columbus Circle, available at Michael Moore’s youtube: here.

Exciting news! Who do you know in New York City who would love to see a little folk music history? Tonight, Friday 10/21/2011 at Columbus Circle around midnight.

Iconic folk singer Pete Seeger and his grandson Tao will become the latest notable musicians to march in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters when they join up with the crowd tonight.

The march departs at 10:30 p.m. by Peter Jay Shape Theatre on Broadway and is expected to wrap up at midnight at Columbus Circle, where folk musicians are planning to stage a midnight occupation.

The march follows a performance featuring Pete Seeger and Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and Suzanne Vega.

Questioning nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/12/2011

“All Clear in Harrisburg” is The Royal Song of the Day for Friday, August 12th. The Duke requested an anti-nuclear song for today. Sustainability and nonviolence towards the earth are important parts of peace.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLWetqzhgIQ] Continue reading Questioning nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/12/2011

Little children and nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/8/2011

This weekend marked the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. Here on Long Island, South Country Peace Group and the peace community held an event in Bellport.

The Royal Song of the Day for 8/8/2011 is “I Come and Stand”, which is also sometimes known as “Dead Little Girl of Hiroshima”. The lyrics can be found in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 160.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vZ0KgLifjI] Continue reading Little children and nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/8/2011