Tag Archives: Will and Kate

“Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

Mothers, Daughters, Wives” by Judy Small is the Royal Song of the Day. The lyrics can be found at Rise Up Singing, page 162.

Below is a heart-wrenching version by “The Corries”


The first time it was fathers, the last time it was sons
And in between your husbands, marched away with guns & drums
And you never thought to question, you just went on with your lives
‘Cause all they’d taught you who to be was mothers, daughters, wives

Susanna, Duchess of Peace, tells more about today’s choice: Continue reading “Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

Well…Here is a list of entertainment for regular royals, and people who are bought into corporate culture: professional sports; Polo; royal watching; high fashion; expensive concert tickets of corporate entertainers; shopping for the mirage of freedom (aka the instructions of certain politicians after 9-11).

Now…Here is a list of entertainment options for people seeking peace and justice: local sports (or, even better yet, non competitive games); family watching; sustainable fashion; local music; making your own music; and shopping in a spirit of fair trade and sustainability.

Though, if you must do some “royal watching”, please watch The Duke and Duchess of Peace. Continue reading What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

Prince William and Duchess Catherine: How the other half live…

Duchess Susanna writes: As someone who values freedom and liberty, I am particularly upset to think that Will and Kate – who are from another country – entered our country without the choice/threat of a full body scanner or an aggressive pat-down by the TSA. I would like to hear more about what kind of measures that they had to endure to travel to The United States, versus what American citizens have to endure when leaving or entering their own country.

On the other hand, I do not wish anyone to have to endure the danger of a dose of radiation administered by a low-level security worker, or a pat-down which is practically sexual abuse. So, I would rather ask that none of us have to endure those bad TSA choices, rather than actually wishing the bad things on Duchess Catherine. Still, that dilemma is part of the problem with politics. If the media and government propagandize certain people to seem like nice, sweet, heroes, then it is hard to wish those people ill, even while their indulgence comes at your expense. Continue reading Prince William and Duchess Catherine: How the other half live…

What Kate wore…

In case you would like to know…

Today, Prince William and Duchess Catherine arrived in Calgary, Canada.

Prince William wore a blue suit. Kate wore yellow as she arrived in Calgary.

And, more importantly for our fans…

The Duke and Duchess of Peace were too busy with their day jobs to post much.

Today, Duke Augustus wore a black shirt. (The Duchess told him he looked like Johnny Cash).

And,  Duchess Susanna wore purple, patterned capris. (Long Island, New York was hot and humid today.)

We are planning an upcoming post about the controversy of the Calgary Stampede.

Royal Rants: Coverage of protesters to the other royal tour

The Duke and Duchess of Peace have not encountered any protests against them thus far.

Though, for Prince William and Duchess Catherine, there have been some protests criticizing the monarchy in general, Queen Elizabeth, and the cost of their tour.

Here are some articles of interest:

Re: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to the Inistitut de Tourisme et D’Hotellerie du Quebec, for a cooking class: Continue reading Royal Rants: Coverage of protesters to the other royal tour

The Duke and Duchess of Peace reflect on Canada Day celebration

After perusing the household treasury, The Duke and Duchess of Peace have determined that they are unable to visit our Canadian neighbors as part of their current tour. Though, it has been interesting to follow the current focus of world thought on Canada.

The Duke and Duchess were disappointed with Prince William’s big speech. Because, the speech included a list of past wars which Canada has fought. We do not believe that countries should be proud of war, especially wars for territory. It would be more honorable to have solved historical differences with diplomacy. You can see the video of Prince William’s speech for Canada Day, which shows the eerie juxtaposition of celebration, pride, and militarism at The Express UK: here. We have concluded that part of his job is to make sure that England will have Canada for back-up again if they want to start any new wars.

The Duke and Duchess of Peace do believe Canada is a wonderful country. And, we have enjoyed studying Canadian culture. Continue reading The Duke and Duchess of Peace reflect on Canada Day celebration

June 30th: Photos From Royal Tour

Driving for peace
Sights from Duchess Susanna's royal touring for peace


Today, Prince William and Duchess Catherine set down in Canada, and visited The National War Memorial.

The other Duke and Duchess — Augustus and Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace — continued their focus on peace and nonviolence. Though, Duke Augustus had to work at his day job. So, Duchess Susanna, in between errands, went on a scavenger hunt for peace. Continue reading June 30th: Photos From Royal Tour