Tag Archives: Duchess Catherine

News: Duchess wears mother-in-law’s jewelry

Royal Jewels

In the corporate media, you can find a lot of stories about the fact that Prince William has gifted Duchess Catherine with blue earrings which once belonged to her mother-in-law, Princess Diana. These earrings match Princess Diana’s sapphire and diamond ring, which has been much celebrated as the former Kate Middleton’s engagement ring.

Susanna, Duchess of Peace would like to take this opportunity to show off her own blue ring, which once belonged to her mother-in-law. It is a memento the Duchess wears to remind herself of her mother-in-law’s life of service to the environment and community, and a ring which the Duchess wears to glorify the idea of peace and re-using.

The Duke and Duchess of Peace are concerned with the way that royalty — in the present, and historically — have been used to cover-up war, and even to glorify and prettify the military. It is sad that half the world is obsessed with the image of Duchess Catherine’s Continue reading News: Duchess wears mother-in-law’s jewelry

Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 7/16/2011

Singing For Our Lives” is the Royal Song of the Day. This song, written by Holly Near, can be found on page 218 of Rise Up Singing.


Reflections on “gentle anger” by Duchess Susanna: Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 7/16/2011

“Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

Mothers, Daughters, Wives” by Judy Small is the Royal Song of the Day. The lyrics can be found at Rise Up Singing, page 162.

Below is a heart-wrenching version by “The Corries”


The first time it was fathers, the last time it was sons
And in between your husbands, marched away with guns & drums
And you never thought to question, you just went on with your lives
‘Cause all they’d taught you who to be was mothers, daughters, wives

Susanna, Duchess of Peace, tells more about today’s choice: Continue reading “Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

Prince William and Duchess Catherine: How the other half live…

Duchess Susanna writes: As someone who values freedom and liberty, I am particularly upset to think that Will and Kate – who are from another country – entered our country without the choice/threat of a full body scanner or an aggressive pat-down by the TSA. I would like to hear more about what kind of measures that they had to endure to travel to The United States, versus what American citizens have to endure when leaving or entering their own country.

On the other hand, I do not wish anyone to have to endure the danger of a dose of radiation administered by a low-level security worker, or a pat-down which is practically sexual abuse. So, I would rather ask that none of us have to endure those bad TSA choices, rather than actually wishing the bad things on Duchess Catherine. Still, that dilemma is part of the problem with politics. If the media and government propagandize certain people to seem like nice, sweet, heroes, then it is hard to wish those people ill, even while their indulgence comes at your expense. Continue reading Prince William and Duchess Catherine: How the other half live…

TSA to Prince William: Boxers or Briefs?

Duke Augustus: The corporate media have been in an absolute tizzy over every stitch of clothing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been wearing while blithely passing along all their military boosterism.  They have even exposed Kate Middleton’s preferred choice of undergarments.

Now we are going to be inundated with more information about Kate & Will’s unmentionables then we would ever want to know.  As Prince William and Duchess Catherine fly into the United States today, they will meet up with this country’s first line of defense, the TSA.

And we are not just talking a cancer-causing full body scan here.  Remember Prince William is not only a foreign national, he is a member of a foreign military.  The military he belongs to has a history of violent attacks upon US citizens and fomenting insurrection within the Unites States.    In addition, Prince William has just spent the last week trolling along the US border, and boasting of his country’s military exploits.

Prince William is a TSA profiler’s dream.  If he, and his entourage, don’t get pulled off the customs line for a full body search, then the whole Homeland Security Department should be fired.

The Royal Baggage

Duchess Susanna writes: Throughout the ages, beautiful women — queens, princesses, and duchesses —  have been used to cover up the ugly side of militarism and nationalism. Couldn’t resist merging two of the photos from the current tour:

The Royal Luggage: A photo merge reveals the true meaning of a princess
The Royal Luggage: A photo merge reveals the true meaning of a princess

Note: Found the photos of Canadian soldiers handling royal luggage at a Canadian newspaper, National Post: here.

Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice

Duchess Susanna writes: Did you see the rude headlines? What a waste of time. “Pippa wears see-through dress to Wimbledon”. Hope you did not get fooled. It was a black, crochet dress, that looked like something my Grandmother might have knit and/or worn.

I have been contemplating why everyone cares so much about what Pippa Middleton and Duchess Catherine wear. I guess it can be fun and sociable to dress like other women. Though, don’t we all have other women in our lives to emulate?

Fashion is such an important part of our selves and our cultural identity. I am more excited about fashion choices that can protect the earth, create justice, and celebrate peace and nonviolence. Instead of $1,300 leather purses, like the fancy one Duchess Catherine has been wearing, I prefer bags made from cloth or straw. (And, straw is “in” this season, too.)

Duchess Susanna’s Guide to Fashion

The Best Ways To Get A New Outfit Continue reading Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice