Tag Archives: Activism and Peace Work

Erasmus the Pacifist| War Is A Crime .org

One of our goals on this site is to catalog the hidden history of pacifists.  This article does so beautifully.

The Genius of Erasmus | War Is A Crime .org.

Cover of "The Complaint of Peace"

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, who lived from October 27, 1466, to July 12, 1536, faced censorship in his day, and has never been as popular among the rich and powerful as has his contemporary Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli. But at a distance of half a millennium, we ought to be able to judge work on its merit — and we ought to have regular celebrations of Erasmus around the world.  Some of his ideas are catching on.  His name is familiar in Europe as that of the EU’s student exchange program, named in his honor.  We ought perhaps to wonder what oddball ideas these days might catch on in the 2500s — if humanity is around then.

In 1517, Erasmus wrote The Complaint of Peace, in which Peace, speaking in the first-person, complains about how humanity treats her. She claims to offer “the source of all human blessings” and to be scorned by people who “go in quest of evils infinite in number.”

Read the rest of the article.

RIP Tony Benn, Lifelong War Critic

Remembering British MP Tony Benn, a Lifelong Critic of War and Capitalism + Never be afraid of getting old | Dandelion Salad.

Tony Benn about to join the March 2005 anti-wa...
Tony Benn about to join the March 2005 anti-war demonstration in London

democracynow.org – Tony Benn, the former British Cabinet minister, longtime Parliament member and antiwar activist, has died at the age of 88. He was the longest-serving member of Parliament in the history of Britain’s Labour Party, serving more than half a century. He left Parliament in 2001, saying he planned to “spend more time on politics.” In 2009 he appeared on Democracy Now! to talk about the war in Afghanistan and Britain’s fight for a nationalized healthcare system.

“You’ve got to judge a country by whether its needs are met and not just by whether some people make a profit,” Benn said. “I’ve never met Mr. Dow Jones, and I’m sure he works very, very hard with his averages. We get them every hour. But I don’t think the happiness of a nation is decided by the share values in Wall Street.”



10 of the best Tony Benn quotes – as picked by our readers | Politics | theguardian.com.   Continue reading RIP Tony Benn, Lifelong War Critic

Peace and the Election: Quick Reflections

Peace is our focus here at Peace Couple. So, we like to think about how various events affect our Peace Index.

With elections happening in the USA today, we have been wondering about the effect the campaigns, the focus on national priorities, and the energy of election season might have on the DPCIUS (Daily Peace Culture Index for the United States). Continue reading Peace and the Election: Quick Reflections

No, It Won’t Kill Me: May Day General Strike and Peace Song for 4/25/2012

This Old Hammer“, an African-American work song, is the Peace Song of the Day for April 25th. (See video and lyrics below.)

The song says, “This old hammer, killed John Henry…but it won’t kill me.” Which resonates with the big event coming up…

May Day, May 1, 2012, is a General Strike, called for by many groups, including Occupy Wall Street. To find a detailed post, and links to actions in over 115 cities, go to this post at occupywallst.org.

If you can be in New York City on May 1st, check out the schedule for NYC actions and performances at www.maydaynyc.org

Why strike? The answer given at the occupywallst website, is similar to the words of this hammer song. On the article “Why And How To Strike On May Day“, it says, “You are not a slave, and have the right not to work.” The song “This Old Hammer” is about African American workers, after slavery was outlawed, who were still treated like slaves in many ways.

I love the tension near the end of this song. The worker asks his coworker to take the hammer to the boss or Captain. Though, we discover he is not asking for retaliation, he only asks to tell the boss that he has gone. If only the 99% could tell the 1%: “No, I won’t work for your unjust system.”

Bonus Video:

Continue reading No, It Won’t Kill Me: May Day General Strike and Peace Song for 4/25/2012

Fighting is not the solution: Peace Song for 4/16

Fighting Is Not The Solution“, performed by Brett Dennen (and friends), is the Peace Song of the Day for April 16th. This song can be found on an album of children’s peace songs, put together by The Mosaic Project. Grown-ups will probably also enjoy this song — and some of the other songs on the album, too. You can get Children’s Songs for Peace and a Better World through CD Baby: here.

The song has a great chorus, with simple words of wisdom: “Fighting is not the solution…Try conflict resolution.”

Continue reading Fighting is not the solution: Peace Song for 4/16

How will peace find us?……… Peace Song for 4/7

Harmony” (2010) by Christofer Drew, of the band Never Shout Never, is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/7.

Continue reading How will peace find us?……… Peace Song for 4/7

Let peace begin with me: Peace Song of the Day for 2/22

Tom Paxton‘s song, Peace Will Come, is the Peace Song of the Day for February 22nd. It is a very sweet, simple song, which would be great for sing-a-longs, or a personal meditation.
Continue reading Let peace begin with me: Peace Song of the Day for 2/22