Tag Archives: Nonviolence

Peace Index Update: July 2015 PAXi

Peace Indicator Updates.

July 1, 2015:
PAXi Daily Peace Indicator equals:

Since July of 2012, Peace Couple has checked daily statistics about the level of discussion about peace and nonviolence in the United States. You can find out more about the PAXi Index at our original post: Peace Index Daily Stats

Since this is a homegrown project, we have occasionally missed numbers, and we have been remiss on calculating and posting numbers for long stretches of time. Though, we wanted to catch up a bit by offering some recent figures.

Below are highlights of the PAXi Peace Index, including new numbers for May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st of 2015: Continue reading Peace Index Update: July 2015 PAXi

Lots of folks thinking about nonviolence!

Our Peace Index postings are a little behind again. We just moved from North Babylon to Riverhead, and finding it hard to set up our new (old) house. Though, the stats are taken, and PAXi numbers will be posted soon for all the missing days.

Wanted to share that today, “nonviolence”, skyrocketed today on our Google News search. In looking at why, found this interesting story. Ela Gandhi comments on the potential (and limitations) of social media in supporting nonviolence:

(excerpt from) Perth Now
Ela Gandhi: education can beat violence
February 26, 2013

The granddaughter of Indian peace icon Mahatma Gandhi hopes a new institute in Sydney will help Australians re-think our approach to moral education.

Ela Gandhi told an audience at the University of New South Wales on Tuesday that existing education strategies were allowing a culture of violence to flourish.

An International Centre of Nonviolence to be opened in Sydney on Wednesday would examine education “as a way of transforming the community”, she said.

Ms Gandhi, a former South African parliamentarian who has spent her career promoting civil rights, said she feared social justice teaching was losing traction. Continue reading Lots of folks thinking about nonviolence!

Howard Zinn’s The “Moral Equation” of War is Wrong

The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of PeaceHoward Zinn‘s 1970 essay Vietnam: The Moral Equation is the seventeenth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace .  I am proponent of Zinn’s People’s History of the United States,  and especially the graphic novel versionA People’s History of American Empire And Zinn seems to be a force behind this book of pacifism, including contributing the introduction.

Yet, here I go committing heresy:  Howard Zinn is wrong.  In the first few paragraphs of this essay he gives away the whole pacifist store.  Now I am all for the concept of free, but not when it means surrendering my pacifism from the get-go.  Zinn starts by giving up on pacifism:

I would start such a discussion from the supposition that it is logically indefensible to hold an absolutely nonviolent position . . . .  Continue reading Howard Zinn’s The “Moral Equation” of War is Wrong

A whole year of Peace Songs: Finale to “Peace Song of the Day” project

Susanna, The Duchess of Peace writes:

On July 9th of last year, I began a project to find, and blog about, a peace song for every day of the year. The Peace Song of the Day archive is: here.

The idea of the project was to create interesting content, to create a daily ritual of peace culture, to bring people to the blog, and to nurture some self-discipline in myself as a writer.

I believe I succeeded a little bit on the first three counts. Though, since there are many days with no peace song announced, I guess I failed on the self-discipline score. And, I failed even though I had some nurturing help from the Duke, who sometimes provided inspiration, and sometimes just wrote the post for me. My missed days have taught me that I cannot count on myself to be both creative and ambitious each day. So, my next daily project will involve less of a need for inspiration. Though, I hope it will still be fruitful to the peace community.

Other lessons learned: Continue reading A whole year of Peace Songs: Finale to “Peace Song of the Day” project

MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe sixteenth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace contains Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1967 speech  Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam. The speech, which is also known as Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence ,was given in the Manhattan’s Riverside Church exactly one year before King was assassinated.   It is sad to realize that Dr. King’s 45 year old attempt to seek freedom from war applies equally to the Vietnam War as it does to the wars that the United States is now waging in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.

Through the lens of history, it is hard to understand how controversial the speech was in 1967.  It is common wisdom today that the Vietnam War was a mistake, despite the US government’s recently started 10-year plan to rehabilitate American’s view of that war.  In 1967, all the major media backed the Vietnam War.  Dr. King was regularly attacked in national newspapers such as the New York Times for speaking out against the Vietnam War.  Peace activists are still attacked in today’s media for opposing today’s wars for the same reasons that Dr. King cites.

Dr. King responds to his critics who say that he should only speak about the domestic issue of civil rights, and keep silent on the VietNam War.  The critics make the lesser evil argument that Dr. King is hurting the cause of civil rights by speaking out against the war.  Dr. Kings explains in the introduction of his speech that those critics misunderstand both who he is , and misunderstand”the world in which they live.”  Dr. King gives seven reasons why he must speak out:  Continue reading MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

Celebrations for an icon of nonviolent political protest

Suu Kyi photo from Wikimedia

Now, this is news for the peace community, and for those of us who understand the power of music in world culture!

Bono is “on tour” with 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner from Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi. They were in Dublin June 18th. (Story: here.)

Link to Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech at the Nobel Prize website: here.

Link to Action Alert from Amnesty International about political prisoners still jailed in Myanmar.

Story and picture at Boise State Public Radio, which offered the phrase “icon of nonviolent political protest”: here.

The AP story below includes quotes from Bono:

(excerpt from) The Seattle Times/AP
Suu Kyi walks on with U2’s `star-struck’ Bono

Aung San Suu Kyi and Bono joined forces Monday as the Myanmar democracy activist’s European tour moved from the home of the Nobel Peace Prize to the land of U2. Continue reading Celebrations for an icon of nonviolent political protest

Fighting is not the solution: Peace Song for 4/16

Fighting Is Not The Solution“, performed by Brett Dennen (and friends), is the Peace Song of the Day for April 16th. This song can be found on an album of children’s peace songs, put together by The Mosaic Project. Grown-ups will probably also enjoy this song — and some of the other songs on the album, too. You can get Children’s Songs for Peace and a Better World through CD Baby: here.

The song has a great chorus, with simple words of wisdom: “Fighting is not the solution…Try conflict resolution.”

Continue reading Fighting is not the solution: Peace Song for 4/16