Tag Archives: royal watching

I’ve Got Soul, But I’m Not A Soldier: Peace Song for 3/26

The Peace Song of the Day for 3/26/2012 is “All These Things That I’ve Done“, by the alternative rock band, The Killers (2004).

The song includes a great line for young people trying to resist the temptation of choosing the military as a career. There is a mantra in the song that goes, “I got soul, but I’m not a soldier”. For more ways to resist war, and resist military recruitment at school, you can see the Counter Recruitment page at War Resisters League: here.

More about this song… Continue reading I’ve Got Soul, But I’m Not A Soldier: Peace Song for 3/26

Royal Song of the Day: Interactive Version

Today, Susanna, Duchess of Peace, needed to hear one of those songs that proclaims, “It’s alright”. So, The Royal Song of the Day is “Revolution” by the Beatles. Not simply for the thought of a nonviolent shift in the universe, though, also for the refrain, “You know it’s gonna be alright”.

Can you think of a comfort song? Please send us an e-mail, or put in the comments, your favorite song that expresses the sentiment “Everything’s going to be alright”. We will choose one or more for future Royal Songs of the Day. Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Interactive Version

What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

Well…Here is a list of entertainment for regular royals, and people who are bought into corporate culture: professional sports; Polo; royal watching; high fashion; expensive concert tickets of corporate entertainers; shopping for the mirage of freedom (aka the instructions of certain politicians after 9-11).

Now…Here is a list of entertainment options for people seeking peace and justice: local sports (or, even better yet, non competitive games); family watching; sustainable fashion; local music; making your own music; and shopping in a spirit of fair trade and sustainability.

Though, if you must do some “royal watching”, please watch The Duke and Duchess of Peace. Continue reading What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice

Duchess Susanna writes: Did you see the rude headlines? What a waste of time. “Pippa wears see-through dress to Wimbledon”. Hope you did not get fooled. It was a black, crochet dress, that looked like something my Grandmother might have knit and/or worn.

I have been contemplating why everyone cares so much about what Pippa Middleton and Duchess Catherine wear. I guess it can be fun and sociable to dress like other women. Though, don’t we all have other women in our lives to emulate?

Fashion is such an important part of our selves and our cultural identity. I am more excited about fashion choices that can protect the earth, create justice, and celebrate peace and nonviolence. Instead of $1,300 leather purses, like the fancy one Duchess Catherine has been wearing, I prefer bags made from cloth or straw. (And, straw is “in” this season, too.)

Duchess Susanna’s Guide to Fashion

The Best Ways To Get A New Outfit Continue reading Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice

The Duke and Duchess: First appearance on tour

Duchess Susanna and Duke Augustus at The Peace Pole in Lindenhurst

The Duke and Duchess have started their tour. While Prince William and Duchess Catherine chose to appear at The National War War Memorial, Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna visited The Peace Pole in Lindenhurst.

Duchess Susanna was curious about the place the other royal couple was visiting, so, she did some research at Wikipedia. The National War Memorial in Canada was originally built to commemorate the First World War, though it was rededicated to include the Second World War and the Korean War. How sad to have a monument to war. It also seems ironic that part of the statue includes an allegory for peace and an allegory for freedom.

The Duke and Duchess of Peace do not believe that war is the path to peace, nor freedom. We wish that politicians and artists would offer more clear solutions to true peace, rather than to focus on past wars. Perhaps it is time to focus on peace. Continue reading The Duke and Duchess: First appearance on tour