Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. is the Peace Song of the Day for April 19th.
Continue reading Shiny Happy People: Peace Song of the Day for 4/19/2012
Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. is the Peace Song of the Day for April 19th.
Continue reading Shiny Happy People: Peace Song of the Day for 4/19/2012
The Peace Song of the Day for 3/26/2012 is “All These Things That I’ve Done“, by the alternative rock band, The Killers (2004).
The song includes a great line for young people trying to resist the temptation of choosing the military as a career. There is a mantra in the song that goes, “I got soul, but I’m not a soldier”. For more ways to resist war, and resist military recruitment at school, you can see the Counter Recruitment page at War Resisters League: here.
More about this song… Continue reading I’ve Got Soul, But I’m Not A Soldier: Peace Song for 3/26
Angels & Airwaves is not the usual kind of group that makes the Peace Song of the Day list. They are an alternative rock band, in the Space Rock style. Though, one of their songs clearly shows the horrors of war, and points to peace. Hope you find it interesting.
“The War” by Angels & Airwaves is the Peace Song of the Day. The song is made extra singable by a chorus of “Oh’s”. (In some live versions, they are almost a yo-oh rock yodel, which the audience can sing-a-long with.)
Continue reading Angels against war: Peace Song of the Day for 2/19