Tag Archives: Peace Song of the Day

A whole year of Peace Songs: Finale to “Peace Song of the Day” project

Susanna, The Duchess of Peace writes:

On July 9th of last year, I began a project to find, and blog about, a peace song for every day of the year. The Peace Song of the Day archive is: here.

The idea of the project was to create interesting content, to create a daily ritual of peace culture, to bring people to the blog, and to nurture some self-discipline in myself as a writer.

I believe I succeeded a little bit on the first three counts. Though, since there are many days with no peace song announced, I guess I failed on the self-discipline score. And, I failed even though I had some nurturing help from the Duke, who sometimes provided inspiration, and sometimes just wrote the post for me. My missed days have taught me that I cannot count on myself to be both creative and ambitious each day. So, my next daily project will involve less of a need for inspiration. Though, I hope it will still be fruitful to the peace community.

Other lessons learned: Continue reading A whole year of Peace Songs: Finale to “Peace Song of the Day” project

Peace Song for 7/8/2012: Phil Ochs tribute to Woody Guthrie

Bound for Glory” a song by Phil Ochs, which tells the story of Woody Guthrie, is the Peace Song of the Day for July 8th. The Duchess heard this song played today on “Woody’s Children” radio show, on 90.7FM WFUV radio from New York City. The song was played in honor of Woody Guthrie‘s 100th birthday, which will be on July 14th, 2012.

This song is the finale for the Peace Song of the Day project. Yes! We started the project back on July 9, 2011. (Unfortunately, there is not a song posted for everyday. But, we did our best, and may figure out how to fill in throughout this next year.)

Tomorrow will be an “encore” post to the project. The Duchess will reflect on her year of song-searching and share lessons learned. And, also, tomorrow, we will announce our new, upcoming, daily project.

For now, hope you enjoy the video. And, maybe you will learn the song for Woody’s birthday?

Continue reading Peace Song for 7/8/2012: Phil Ochs tribute to Woody Guthrie

A conversation about war: Peace Song for July 6th

Harold Land by Yes is the Peace Song of the Day for July 6th. The piece is fashioned like a story, with really cool music at the beginning and the end.

And, speaking of beginnings and endings…

I am excited about the next few days. I just realized that the end-date for the “Peace Song of the Day” project is approaching. I started picking peace songs for each day on July 9th, 2011. It has been an interesting journey. I didn’t succeed in posting every day. Though, I learned a lot, and uncovered some interesting tunes.

So, I am excited to end the project in style. I will be sure to post a new song for the next few days. And, on Monday, July 9th, I will do a post with some lessons learned and lots of great links. Also, on that day, I will announce the next, ongoing project for Peace Couple.

Continue reading A conversation about war: Peace Song for July 6th

Do your job like a man: Peace Song for June 25th

The Great Mandala (Wheel of Life)” by Peter Yarrow is the Peace Song of the Day for June 25, 2012.

The lyrics are unusual for a peace song, because they use the discourse of the opposition. And, the song also includes sensitive reflections of male pride and self-defense mechanisms. A father, who has already lost one son to war, tells his other son, “So I told him that he’d better shut his mouth, and do his job like a man…”

I realized the power of this song, because it was praised by Richie Havens in the movie Peter, Paul and Mary – Carry It On – A Musical Legacy.

Continue reading Do your job like a man: Peace Song for June 25th

Thinking about NATO: Peace Song of the Day for 5/16/2012

Jello Biafra‘s “Attack of the Peacekeepers” is the Peace Song of the Day for May 16th.

This choice is somewhat unusual for our Peace Couple daily project, because it is punk rock, a little too fast for most campfire singers, and has quite an edge of sarcasm. Though, NATO will meet in Chicago, and this song is an interesting way to think about the facts of peace, war, and military strategy.

This song is from the 1980’s. It alludes to the way that NATO made us believe we needed their bombs and military might to ward off the Soviets and East Germany. It is interesting to realize how the Soviet and East German threats truly faded away. And, it might be interesting to update this song with verses about the fake war on terrorism.

Sample lyrics and more info on the Chicago demonstrations at the readmore… Continue reading Thinking about NATO: Peace Song of the Day for 5/16/2012