Tag Archives: war

MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe sixteenth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace contains Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1967 speech  Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam. The speech, which is also known as Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence ,was given in the Manhattan’s Riverside Church exactly one year before King was assassinated.   It is sad to realize that Dr. King’s 45 year old attempt to seek freedom from war applies equally to the Vietnam War as it does to the wars that the United States is now waging in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.

Through the lens of history, it is hard to understand how controversial the speech was in 1967.  It is common wisdom today that the Vietnam War was a mistake, despite the US government’s recently started 10-year plan to rehabilitate American’s view of that war.  In 1967, all the major media backed the Vietnam War.  Dr. King was regularly attacked in national newspapers such as the New York Times for speaking out against the Vietnam War.  Peace activists are still attacked in today’s media for opposing today’s wars for the same reasons that Dr. King cites.

Dr. King responds to his critics who say that he should only speak about the domestic issue of civil rights, and keep silent on the VietNam War.  The critics make the lesser evil argument that Dr. King is hurting the cause of civil rights by speaking out against the war.  Dr. Kings explains in the introduction of his speech that those critics misunderstand both who he is , and misunderstand”the world in which they live.”  Dr. King gives seven reasons why he must speak out:  Continue reading MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

War is not the answer: Peace Song for 1/15/2012

Marvin Gaye says, “You see, war is not the answer…For only love can conquer hate”

“What’s Going On” by Marvin Gaye is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January15th.


[This Peace Song of the Day was actually first announced/posted on 1/29/2012 as part of a marathon catch-up session.]

Simon Weil’s Reflections on War

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe tenth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace contains a selection from  Simone Weils short 1933 essay Reflections on War .  Weil wrote this essay at age 24, and would die young eleven years later. Some would ascribe her death to her empathy for those suffering during World War II being too much for her frail health.

This section of the essay begins with the query: “Can a revolution avoid war?”  She rightly states that “Revolutionary War is the grave of revolution.”  This was the central to the nonviolent methods of Indian independence taking place at the time this essay was written.  And is central to the beliefs of today’s Occupation movement in the US.  Continue reading Simon Weil’s Reflections on War

Bumper Sticker: War is for the 1%


Bumper Sticker Art: War Is For The 1%

Click on the photo or the link above to purchase this bumper sticker.

Both sets of Peace Couples are proud to announce the launching of our new Cafe Press shop. Hope you are as eager as we are to see the shop fill up with items that celebrate peace and nonviolence.

Our first item is a bumper sticker, with a slogan inspired by Occupy Wall Street, and dreamed up by Duchess Susanna:

“War is for the 1%”

You can purchase this bumper sticker at the PeaceCouple Cafe Press Shop for $5.

We truly appreciate your financial support for our message, and for our continuous work promoting peace and nonviolence.

Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna
Ian and Kimberly Wilder
of Wilderside LTD

Between The Wars: Peace Song of the Day for 10/25/2011

Between The Wars” by Billy Bragg is the Peace Song of the Day for October 25th. [Also, reposted for Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011] This is the kind of song that prickles your conscience and makes you think.

More about this song and the song meaning: Continue reading Between The Wars: Peace Song of the Day for 10/25/2011

Power of Nonviolence Emerson War: Peace Book Chapter 3 10/3/11

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceWe continue with the third chapter from the The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace This week we discuss the third chapter of the book which is an excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson‘s essay entitled War. This chapter is in the Pre-Twentieth Century section of the book . Last week we discussed an excerpt from a 1693 essay by William Penn entitled Essay Towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe.

Shall it be war, or shall it be peace?

The discussion in this chapter is, unfortunately, as modern as the Duke’s recent Facebook discussion with childhood schoolmates. The other participants in the discussion brought up every possible reason why the war they opposed is an acceptable course of action.  The lesser evil. The corruption of money in politics. The current state of affairs.  The Duke kept returning the discussion to the phrase that ends the selection from Emerson’s essay, and serves as this paragraph’s pull quote.  Continue reading Power of Nonviolence Emerson War: Peace Book Chapter 3 10/3/11