Category Archives: Peace

Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 7/16/2011

Singing For Our Lives” is the Royal Song of the Day. This song, written by Holly Near, can be found on page 218 of Rise Up Singing.


Reflections on “gentle anger” by Duchess Susanna: Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 7/16/2011

Royal Song of the Day: Friday 7/15/2011

Duke Augustus writes:  Hard Times for Dreamers by Beat Radio. Duchess Susanna has been doing a great job all week of exploring the wealth of songs in “Rise Up Singing“.  This song should be in a future edition.  Right now, it is a theme song for me.  It reminds me that people do care about struggling to do what is right.  I love the perseverance in the chorus.

This video is a solo acoustic version.  I know the lighting is not the best, but Brian’s personality comes through.

[youtube=]  Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Friday 7/15/2011

“Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

Mothers, Daughters, Wives” by Judy Small is the Royal Song of the Day. The lyrics can be found at Rise Up Singing, page 162.

Below is a heart-wrenching version by “The Corries”


The first time it was fathers, the last time it was sons
And in between your husbands, marched away with guns & drums
And you never thought to question, you just went on with your lives
‘Cause all they’d taught you who to be was mothers, daughters, wives

Susanna, Duchess of Peace, tells more about today’s choice: Continue reading “Mothers, Daughters, Wives”: Peace Song for 7/14/2011

Tues. 7/12/2011: Royal Song of the Day

Duchess Susanna writes: The Royal Song of the Day is “Circle” by Harry Chapin. It appears in Rise Up Singing on page 222. In the video below, there is a clip of Circle Song during the finale, at 9 minutes and 1 second…

We have been experiencing a lot of car accidents on Long Island. And, a few people close to us have experienced the loss of a loved one recently. Some sadness and grieving. Though, also, new babies being born. This song does some healing, and reminds us to hope…

An excerpt:

“All my life’s a circle, sunrise & sundown…”

Royal Peace Song of The Day: “Little Boxes” made of ticky tacky

Duchess Susanna writes: It amazes me the way that some people will go out and buy exactly the same dress, in exactly the same color, that Duchess Catherine (aka Kate Middleton) wore somewhere. For my own sense of independence and dignity, I would at least want to pick a different color. Though, the exact ones modeled by the princess are the exact ones that get sold out and crash websites.

The idea of all of these women strolling around Great Britain and the United States in the same dress reminded me of what my departed friend, Susan Blake, called “the monoculture”. And, it reminded me of the Malvina Reynolds song “Little Boxes”. The song “Little Boxes” is The Royal Peace Song of the Day. It is can be found on page 2 in Rise Up Singing. (Favorite campfire song book of The Duke and Duchess of Peace.) Continue reading Royal Peace Song of The Day: “Little Boxes” made of ticky tacky

What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

Well…Here is a list of entertainment for regular royals, and people who are bought into corporate culture: professional sports; Polo; royal watching; high fashion; expensive concert tickets of corporate entertainers; shopping for the mirage of freedom (aka the instructions of certain politicians after 9-11).

Now…Here is a list of entertainment options for people seeking peace and justice: local sports (or, even better yet, non competitive games); family watching; sustainable fashion; local music; making your own music; and shopping in a spirit of fair trade and sustainability.

Though, if you must do some “royal watching”, please watch The Duke and Duchess of Peace. Continue reading What do peaceful people do for fun? (Intro to Royal Song of The Day at Peace Couple)

TSA to Prince William: Boxers or Briefs?

Duke Augustus: The corporate media have been in an absolute tizzy over every stitch of clothing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been wearing while blithely passing along all their military boosterism.  They have even exposed Kate Middleton’s preferred choice of undergarments.

Now we are going to be inundated with more information about Kate & Will’s unmentionables then we would ever want to know.  As Prince William and Duchess Catherine fly into the United States today, they will meet up with this country’s first line of defense, the TSA.

And we are not just talking a cancer-causing full body scan here.  Remember Prince William is not only a foreign national, he is a member of a foreign military.  The military he belongs to has a history of violent attacks upon US citizens and fomenting insurrection within the Unites States.    In addition, Prince William has just spent the last week trolling along the US border, and boasting of his country’s military exploits.

Prince William is a TSA profiler’s dream.  If he, and his entourage, don’t get pulled off the customs line for a full body search, then the whole Homeland Security Department should be fired.