Tag Archives: war in afghanistan

Occupy #AfghanistanTuesday

October 6, 2011 are the protests on the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan War.  In the blog post The hour is approaching: Make a commitment!, we are asked to focus this week’s tweets on organizing for that day:

Tuesday October 4#AfghanistanTuesday! We have wide-ranging conversations every week on #AfghanistanTuesday, but I #AfghanistanTuesday tweetswant to suggest that this week we need to give special attention to the protests themselves. With protests just days away, now is the time we must: Get people to find their local action! When people join up with others near them, protesting the war ceases to be solely theoretical and begins to become a reality. There is a list of many actions nationwide (and worldwide) on the website for the Chicago protest; I predict that as the hours pass, the number of local protests will grow too fast for this list to keep up with!


What I did on #AfghanistanTuesday

Duke Augustus walking to the podium 09-13-11If you have been following along on this thread, then you know that #AfghanistanTuesday is a social media based weekly vigil to quickly end the costly Afghanistan War.  It is primarily to protest the inaction to Congresspeople, but it also protests the inaction of US Senators and the President.  It is designed to use Twitter as the forum for protest, and to spread to all peace people and budget hawks on that service, but will eventually be spread to the other social media outlets.

Last Tuesday in addition to spending the daylight hours reigning in shock doctrine capitalism, the Duke took part in the following #AfghanistanTuesday activities:

1.  Tweeted a blog post entitled Will your Rep Join @BruceBraley on #AfghanistanTuesday ? which explained that Bruce Braley was the first congressperson to answer query on whether they are willing to end the Afghanistan War quickly, and asked which Congresspersons would join him: Continue reading What I did on #AfghanistanTuesday

Will your Rep Join @BruceBraley on #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Joe Scarry posts about our first #AfghanistanTuesday suceess in Scarry Thoughts: AfghanistanHour: Speak Now Or ….:

This is what it looks like when a member of Congress states his position on getting out of Afghanistan:

Bruce Braley represents Iowas 1st congressional district and this is a tweet he sent August 26 in response to our query, “Where do you stand on bringing #troops #home from #Afghanistan?”

There is now a movement for #AfghanistanHour for Tuesday at Noon to be reserved for our elected officials to tweet their question about bringing the troops home:  Continue reading Will your Rep Join @BruceBraley on #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Duke Augustus believes #AfghanistanTuesday is an effective way for your Peace Group to bring attention to the 10- year war the US is conducting in Afghanistan.  The US corporate media ignores any protests against the war, and even ignores that a war is going on.  The best way to stop the war is to bring the issue directly to thecitizens.  if you are not familiar with Twitter, they track search terms with a “#” before them, and report which ones are “tracking” meaning they are getting a lot of tweets.

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/MidwestAntiwar/status/108567578959544321″]

So what can your peace group do?  Get your members to give 5 minutes to advocate for peace:  Continue reading Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?

@BarackObama End the #Afghanistan War #AfghanistanTuesday

Duke Augustus ask you to just take 30 seconds to end the war in Afghanistan by tweeting the title of this post. No need to look anything up or write anything.  Just copy, paste, & tweet.

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/wilderside/status/106154579300851713″]


What is #Afghanistan Tuesday?   Continue reading @BarackObama End the #Afghanistan War #AfghanistanTuesday