Tag Archives: Nonviolence

Broadcast your objection: Peace Song of the Day

“Final Straw” by Michael Stipe/REM is the Peace Song of the Day for February 3rd. While this song does not name or assert “peace”, still, it is a good song about what a person of peace needs to do in a time of war.

“As I raise my head to broadcast my objection…”

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The ultimate song about nonviolence: Peace Song for 11/12

“Take It From Dr. King”, by Pete Seeger, is The Peace Song of the Day for November 12th. This song is the ultimate celebration of nonviolent activism for social change. It tells the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, the bus boycott, and The Civil Rights movement. It also has the somewhat tense, but poignantly necessary line, “Drop the gun.”

Continue reading The ultimate song about nonviolence: Peace Song for 11/12

Gandhi’s Faith in Nonviolence

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe seventh chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace contains  Thoreau’s essay of the same name that we earlier discussed.

In this short 2-page essay on Gandhi’s Faith in Nonviolence.  He starts out from the universal concept of the “law of love” is the solution to the “law of destruction”.  He then applies it India by explaining how phenomenally successful nonviolence has been, and how quickly and widely it spread through the country.  Continue reading Gandhi’s Faith in Nonviolence

Feelings and Friendship: Peace Song of the Day for 10/12

“How To Save A Life” by Fray is the Royal Peace Song of the Day. The song is beautiful and soulful. The video is full of images of real people showing the full range of emotions from fear, sadness, and grief to happiness, joy, and release.

Why is this a peace song? Being in tune with your own feelings, and understanding how important feelings are to yourself and others, is an important key to Nonviolent Communication.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjVQ36NhbMk&ob=av3e] Continue reading Feelings and Friendship: Peace Song of the Day for 10/12

Power of Nonviolence Buddhist Anger: Peace Book Chapter 1 of the Week 9/19/11

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceWe continue from last week with the The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace provides us with the Peace Book Chapter of the Week.  As you remember we discussed last week the introduction by Howard Zinn titled Retaliation.  We now move to the first section of the book which is entitled: Pre-Twentieth Century.  The first, very short chapter is  written by the Buddha, and is entitled: Let a Man Overcome Anger by Love.

For hatred does not cease
by hatred at any time,
hatred ceases by love

The reading starts with a series of aphorisms about how you are bound by what you put forth.  It reminds me of the saying that slavery chains both the master and the slave.  Or Gandhi’s response about how he was trying to save England by freeing it from holding India in bondage.  The third set of aphorisms set here as a pull quote remind me strongly of Dr. King’s August 16, 1967  “Where Do We Go From Here?” when he spoke out against poverty:  Continue reading Power of Nonviolence Buddhist Anger: Peace Book Chapter 1 of the Week 9/19/11

Power of Nonviolence Zinn-troduction: Peace Book Chapter of the Week 9/12/11

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace provides us with the Peace Book Chapter of the Week. You might have noticed this a slightly different concept. Duke Augustus is paring down the Book of the Week to just a chapter to make it more interactive.  We hope that you will join in a discussion of the book as we move through it together chapter-by-chapter.  Please post your thoughts, reactions, comments, corrections and additions to the comment section of each of these posts.

War is terrorism,
magnified a hundred times.

Normally, Duke Augustus would give an introduction a cursory discussion, and begin the first discussion of the book, but when the Introduction is written by the late Howard Zinn attention must be paid.  Zinn is primarily know as a historian whose best selling A People’s History of the United States is an antidote to the sanitized grade school history.  Duke Augustus is particularly partial to the graphic novel adaption, A People’s History of American Empire.  Zinn’s Introduction to The Power of Nonviolence is even more important to discuss considering that the opening lines are so amazingly timely:  Continue reading Power of Nonviolence Zinn-troduction: Peace Book Chapter of the Week 9/12/11

Thich Nhat Hanh Royal Comic Book of the Week: Monday 9/5/11

This weeks Royal (Comic) Book of the Week for Monday September 5, 2011 is Walking With Alfred Hassler, Thich Nhat Hanh and Sister Chan Khong by Peace is the Way. This comic book does not exist yet.   The plan is for a “feature documentary film and 3D animated comic book about normal people who became Nonviolent Super Heroes.” Peace is the Way is currently raising funds for this project through IndieGoGo.

[vimeo 27653813]

Peace is the Way describes the overall project:  Continue reading Thich Nhat Hanh Royal Comic Book of the Week: Monday 9/5/11