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Power of Nonviolence Buddhist Anger: Peace Book Chapter 1 of the Week 9/19/11

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceWe continue from last week with the The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace provides us with the Peace Book Chapter of the Week.  As you remember we discussed last week the introduction by Howard Zinn titled Retaliation.  We now move to the first section of the book which is entitled: Pre-Twentieth Century.  The first, very short chapter is  written by the Buddha, and is entitled: Let a Man Overcome Anger by Love.

For hatred does not cease
by hatred at any time,
hatred ceases by love

The reading starts with a series of aphorisms about how you are bound by what you put forth.  It reminds me of the saying that slavery chains both the master and the slave.  Or Gandhi’s response about how he was trying to save England by freeing it from holding India in bondage.  The third set of aphorisms set here as a pull quote remind me strongly of Dr. King’s August 16, 1967  “Where Do We Go From Here?” when he spoke out against poverty:  Continue reading Power of Nonviolence Buddhist Anger: Peace Book Chapter 1 of the Week 9/19/11