We recently posted on our sister site about going to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Fair to join a farm. That post can be found at CSA’s on Long Island: Photos from a NOFA event. We joined a local CSA named Biophilia.
By joining a CSA, you pay for a share which entitles you to a portion of the vegetables harvested during a season. Many CSA’s, including the one we joined, are organic. It is a way to support local farmers directly and get fresh produce.
Many CSA’s take the “community” part very seriously by having events throughout the growing season for the members to participate. At Biophilia, we helped out at the opening of the greenhouse by planting seed flats.
The farmer had mentioned that the name Biophilia was taken from a book by Edward O. Wilson, but Susannna had noticed that the farm’s name had the farmer’s name in the middle of it. Coincidence?
We got to choose what vegetable we wanted to plant. Farmer Phil made the mistake of asking my favorite food. Continue reading Opening a CSA Greenhouse: Biophilia