Tag Archives: Canada

The Royal Baggage

Duchess Susanna writes: Throughout the ages, beautiful women — queens, princesses, and duchesses —  have been used to cover up the ugly side of militarism and nationalism. Couldn’t resist merging two of the photos from the current tour:

The Royal Luggage: A photo merge reveals the true meaning of a princess
The Royal Luggage: A photo merge reveals the true meaning of a princess

Note: Found the photos of Canadian soldiers handling royal luggage at a Canadian newspaper, National Post: here.

Royal Rants: Coverage of protesters to the other royal tour

The Duke and Duchess of Peace have not encountered any protests against them thus far.

Though, for Prince William and Duchess Catherine, there have been some protests criticizing the monarchy in general, Queen Elizabeth, and the cost of their tour.

Here are some articles of interest:

Re: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to the Inistitut de Tourisme et D’Hotellerie du Quebec, for a cooking class: Continue reading Royal Rants: Coverage of protesters to the other royal tour

The Duke and Duchess of Peace reflect on Canada Day celebration

After perusing the household treasury, The Duke and Duchess of Peace have determined that they are unable to visit our Canadian neighbors as part of their current tour. Though, it has been interesting to follow the current focus of world thought on Canada.

The Duke and Duchess were disappointed with Prince William’s big speech. Because, the speech included a list of past wars which Canada has fought. We do not believe that countries should be proud of war, especially wars for territory. It would be more honorable to have solved historical differences with diplomacy. You can see the video of Prince William’s speech for Canada Day, which shows the eerie juxtaposition of celebration, pride, and militarism at The Express UK: here. We have concluded that part of his job is to make sure that England will have Canada for back-up again if they want to start any new wars.

The Duke and Duchess of Peace do believe Canada is a wonderful country. And, we have enjoyed studying Canadian culture. Continue reading The Duke and Duchess of Peace reflect on Canada Day celebration

Royal Rant: Critique of the monarchy

The Duke and Duchess of Peace try to be very diplomatic in their observations of the royal family. We feel a certain “noblesse oblige”, and we strive to practice Nonviolent Communication.

Though, there are difficult struggles in life, culture, and politics which must sometimes be addressed head on. And, even in NVC/Nonviolent Communication, there is a time to allow people to vent.

So, we will open up our website to some sincere critiques of the monarchy. We think it is especially important to allow political critiques from people who are in countries that are part of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms.

Below is a link and excerpt from a story at the Vancouver Sun, with an interesting take on the Canadian tour of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge:

(excerpt from)The Vancouver Sun
Young, attractive, but increasingly irrelevant
by Barbara Yaffe / June 29, 2011

The Royal Family’s temporary boost in popularity belies the reality of the monarchy’s importance to Canada

Continue reading Royal Rant: Critique of the monarchy