Category Archives: Social Justice

What Are You Fighting For?: Peace Song for 11/7/2011

What Are You Fighting For?” by Phil Ochs is the Peace Song of the Day for Monday, November 7th.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 – is Election Day in the USA. Please remember to vote (even if it is a write-in message to your local, political machines).

Continue reading What Are You Fighting For?: Peace Song for 11/7/2011

It takes a worried nation: Peace Song for 11/3/2011

Worried Man Blues” is the Peace Song of the Day for November 3, 2011. This is a traditional song. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 105.

A new verse by Duchess Susanna: “It takes a worried nation, to make an occupation…”

Below is a video with Pete Seeger and Johnny Cash. (You know ol’ Pete will ask you to sing along…)

Continue reading It takes a worried nation: Peace Song for 11/3/2011

Going Down The Road: Peace Song for 11/2/2011

Going Down The Road” by Woody Guthrie and Lee Hays is the Peace Song of the Day for Wednesday, November 2, 2011. You can find the lyrics to this song in The Rise Up Singing songbook on page 181.

This song is dedicated to the folks at Occupy Oakland and the City of Oakland, who are holding a general strike today, including a march to the port. There is live blogging at a local newspaper: here.

Continue reading Going Down The Road: Peace Song for 11/2/2011

Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

There But For Fortune” by Phil Ochs is the Peace Song of the Day for November 1, 2011. Yes…I am posting this the next day, because I was recalcitrant and did not post yesterday! You can find this song on page 186 of the Rise Up Singing songbook.

This song is dedicated to the community at Liberty Square, who are dealing with an influx of homeless people and other people from the community who need support. This will be a trying time for Occupy Wall Street. Hope they will handle it with compassion and grace.

Continue reading Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

Between The Wars: Peace Song of the Day for 10/25/2011

Between The Wars” by Billy Bragg is the Peace Song of the Day for October 25th. [Also, reposted for Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011] This is the kind of song that prickles your conscience and makes you think.

More about this song and the song meaning: Continue reading Between The Wars: Peace Song of the Day for 10/25/2011

Video: Explaining Occupy Wall Street to children

For a children’s BOOK idea, see below, or click to our recommendation: here.

The video below is a wonderful way to explain Occupy Wall Street, and all of the occupations around the country, to children. A parent asked some of the occupiers to describe Occupy Wall Street to their six-year-old daughter.

More about the video: Continue reading Video: Explaining Occupy Wall Street to children

Oct 20th: Occupy Wall Street with your bank account [PLUS Bank Transfer Day on Nov 5th]

Compassionate Finance: Bring Your Money Back To Your Community
Emancipate Yourselves at Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street, and the occupy movement, are an attempt to solve the problem of disparity of wealth and political influence between the 99% of people, and the 1%. A lot of the focus is on making corporations accountable, and on keeping mega-banks in their place.

This week, there is a way for you to directly put a crimp in the power of the mega-banks. You can join with the 99% to make a shift from big banks, to smaller, locally-based credit unions. You can celebrate “International Credit Union Day“, an annual event sponsored by the Credit Union National Association [CUNA].

On October 20, 2011, consider closing (or starting the process of closing) any bank accounts you have with big banks, and moving your money to a credit union (or small, local bank.) That is all you have to do to make a big difference, and send a huge message to the mega-banks and to our government.

As CUNA notes:

Credit unions are unique because they

are not-for-profit, democratically controlled,

member-owned cooperatives. Continue reading Oct 20th: Occupy Wall Street with your bank account [PLUS Bank Transfer Day on Nov 5th]