Sept 2015: Occupy Celebrates 4th Anniversary with NYC events

Occupy Wall Street celebrates its 4th Anniversary in New York City with blackpeacea full day of protests, marches, speakers, and music.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Some FaceBook links and a schedule with events and speakers is below.

Summary: Stuff is happening in NYC all day today. Most events are at Zuccotti Park. Be at Zuccotti at 5pm for the big Assembly visioning meeting. Then, at 7pm at Zuccotti, gathering and special speakers. (But, check other schedules, and stay alert for all the actions going on!)


Assembly at 5pm
at Zuccotti Park…


Full schedule of activities
posted on #OWSS172015 4 year anniversary FB…


The schedule of day for S-17 2015 (September 17, 2015) is as follows..



8:00am-Meet and Greet at (Liberty Plaza) Zuccotti Park..
9:00am-Move Your Money/Move Your Debt- Broadway/Lower Manhattan.
10:00am-Occupy Wall Street- Bernie Sanders on Wall Street Rally..
(Liberty Plaza) Zuccotti Park
11:00am-OWS S17 2015-DEMANDS Press Conference(Event) .
11:30am-12:00pmOccupy Sandy/The People’s Voice..
12:00pm-12:30pm-Occupy and Nationalize The FED
12:30pm-1:00pm-“Violence, Incorporated” & the TPP Resistance
1:00pm-1:45pm- Win or Lose Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein & Beyond-A Revolution of Values (Building Bridges and a Mass Movement For Change) Think Tank-Breakout….
1:45PM-2:15PM- Environmental/GMO update/Occupy The Inlet..
2:15pm-2:45PM- Black Power Matters..
2:45pm-3:30PM- Justice or Else/Rise Up October
3:30pm-4:00pm-Single Payer NOW! Act Up NY..
4:00pm-4:45pm Labor Rights NOW! Stop Staples/U.S. Mail NOT For Sale Occupy and Boycott Liberato (Stop Wage Theft Now! /Union Contract Now
4:45PM-5:30PM-99% Quality of Life Demands
5:30pm-Die-Zuccotti Park and March to City Hall Park..
5:45pm-March on City Hall/One Police Plaza with /Robin Hood Tax, VOCAL and ACT-UP..
7:00pm-99% Intersectional We Can’t Breathe Die In


Harrison T. Schulz-Nationalize The FED / Occupy The Need ACT /
David Mateo-Mainstream Killas(MC)
Alejindrina Murphy Stop Mass Incarceration/Occupy Wall Street (Occu-Evolve)
Andi Dier-LI Transgender Advocacy Coalition
Jose Lasalle-New Yorkers Against Bratton/CPU
Janice Grendalier-Occupy The Courts/Free Snowden
John Dennie-Stop Staples-Postal Defenders
Minister Hafeez Mohammed -Justice or Else
Jerry Ashton-R.I.P Medical Debt-Huffington Post
Bill Johnsen-Occupy Sandy(Outreach) Speakout For Justice & Democracy
Dr. Raymond Blanchette-Micah Roundtable-Occupy Faith

And, more invited!


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